Friday, November 20, 2020

 Fox Corporation

Trump and Trumpism's

hired Propaganda-machine.

The Americans’ favourite pass off time is to be scared. All the way back since Orson Wells’ famous Radio Shows people have enjoyed being scared at Cinema, on the radio, on TV, even in the Newspapers and now lately on the Social Media. It has been a huge market for SCARE. And the Murdochs run Fox News and their other outlets have recognized this as their absolute main market; serving scares in the form of news to the public. For some reason that recipe works in The US every time. Fox News has become an expert on the field. Presenting News half true, somewhat twisted and even totally false. Made up to plant a conspiracy theories to get people on the edge. The last 5 years they have had a deal going on with Trump. To help present whatever lunatic paranoid fantasy his insane brain could cook. They would cook it with him presenting it as News and Truth.So when the Murdochs put their entire US Broadcasting Corporation behind the spreading of Trump brain spin. It became a frighteningly effective Propaganda-machine. And this was a task they knew how to go about. It was far from their first rodeo in the American Society. Pretty soon they had managed to deceive +-30% of the entire population, seducing, scaring shitless or in most cases a combination of both.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

 The Nations Most Despicable Top 10

Donald J Trump
Evil through and trough Nasty Rude Egotripping
IQ below 100.
Bill Barr Ruthless selfish Trump Consigliore
White House Mobster Inc Made the Department of Justice into
Donald's Caporegime.
Politics Grim Reaper
Totally Ruthless and Evil to the bone.
Maybe among the 10 most Arrogant persons who ever lived.

Rudi Guiliani 
New York's shadiest lawyer Totally Ruthless Rude and Nasty.
Corrupt member of Trump's Entourage.
Erich Trump & Donald Trump Jr
The Nation's most spoiled and selfish brothers.
Arrogant Rude Nasty Evil Even more Stupid than their Dad.Total lack of empathy and compassion
Driven by endless greed.
Jared Evil Kushner
Arrogant, Rude, Nasty  and Ruthless.
Most Corrupt in the West Wing After Trump.
Looting taxpayers for blood-money - Children Cages aso.
Even more Incompetent than Donald.
Ted Cruz
Arrogant, Patronizing, Condescending  Shit-Bag
Dishonest to the Bone. Selfish, Egocentric
Conceited, In his own mind: The Smartest man alive.
Sean Hannity
Trump's most eager Butt-Sniffer. Has his head so far up Trump's but that he is no longer aware of what's going on in the Real World.
So Attracted to Donald, that his wife left him.
One of Fox News worst Conspiracy Cookers.
Pathologic Lier.
Tucker Carlson
Nasty, Rude Conspiracy Cooker at Fox News
Pathologic Lier

Martha MacCallum
Arrogant Condescending Bitch.
Nasty, Rude and Vulgar
Comes across like a Wannabe Intellectual  Bimbo.
Judge Jeanine
Arrogant, Patronizing Snooty Bitch
Nast, Rude and Vulgar
No Clue, No Logic.
Matt Gaetz
Completely Incompetent
Nasty and Rude wannabe Trump
Sleazebag through and through.
Member of Trump's Entourage at Mar-A-Lago.
IQ even lower than Donald's.
Laura Ingraham
Sleazy Vulgar Bitch
Nasty and Rude.
No Clue about Logic.
Jim Jordan
Coward Through and Through.
Was not man enough to do the right thing about a sexual abuse thing in his Comunity.
Sleazebag as STUPID as they come.
Ivanka Trump
Comes across as a wannabe Intellectual BIMBO.
Arrogant and Snotty.
No empathy nor compassion.
Cold and overly greedy.
Lindsey Graham
Notoriously Dishonest
Corrupted Sleazebag.
Subdued Coward
Trump Butt-sniffer.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Insanity and 

Glamour Economy

What really baffles me a lot is: how hordes of conservatives and republicans still support the insane buffoon in The White House. Even after he’s time and time again shows complete incompetence and does the most stupidest things. And on top of that lies through his teeth about it.
It is sad but true; that under Trump The US has become the laughing stock of the whole World.

Corporate US have completely detached themselves from Main Street USA. The Glamour Economy is working on its worst. Maybe as much as 80% of all Economic Activity goes through the Corporations for the moment. And with a lacking social structure type they have in Scandinavia and Europe; its destroying for the general mass of people.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Trump’s obsessive hate of Obama explained.

Not meny remember this; but Trump made a hailed attempt to run in the election 2008 as a Democrat. It was a total flop. He was blown off the field an played totally off side by Obama. He made a rather embarrassing figure.

Here’s some of what Wikipedia tells about The Donald’s shifting political affiliations:
In August 2001, Trump changed his party affiliation to Democratic. In September 2009, Trump changed his party affiliation back to the Republican Party. In December 2011, Trump changed to "no party affiliation" (independent). In April 2012, Trump again returned to the Republican Party.[3]
In a 2004 interview, Trump told CNN's Wolf Blitzer: "In many cases, I probably identify more as Democrat," explaining: "It just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans. Now, it shouldn't be that way. But if you go back, I mean it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats...But certainly we had some very good economies under Democrats, as well as Republicans. But we've had some pretty bad disaster under the Republicans."[4] In a July 2015 interview, Trump said that he has a broad range of political

As a psychopathically  sore looser He immediately tried to sabotage Obama’s rise to stardom, first within the party, and when that obviously did not work: He became a Republican in 2009. When upon he started planning for his Obama revenge. Of which he has been obsessed with ever since.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Remake or brake the USA

The coronavirus crisis did not take long to expose the very vulnerable soft underbelly of the American society.
Its far from certain that those disrespected people who do the absolutely most important, necessary ground work in  this country as well as most countries around the world, will continue to endure their lives which in everything but the name is sheer slavery for the wealthy, like harvesting all our foods and other basic society chores.
So then: When will we see Jared Kushner, Ivanka and Donald Trump out on the fields harvesting for food.
Most scary is it that the people as such seems to become as bipolar divided as the presidents bipolar Schizophrenic mind. With supporters and members of the Republican party equally paranoid towards all and everything as Trump himself. Its like he has cast a spell on them, blocking their capability of individual thinking an common sense. Morals and ethics are already long gone.

We can all agree on slogans about opportunities creativity and hard work and dedication. But it is the rewarding of all that dedication and hard work that is so totally askew. The distribution of wealth that shows up to be heartbreakingly unfair. 
On top of that an absolutely ludacris healthcare system, which also only favoured the wealthy and profanely rich, is contributing heavily in bringing the nation down now during the pandemic. Which can end up completely destroying the country.
The glamour fasade economy for the very few are coming crashing down pulverising the structure and fabric of the whole society with it.
Some profound changes has to be constituted when it comes to the very structure and wealth distribution  in this country, in demand for making it’s future sustainable. And they better come swift before all the “competition” ends up way ahead of US. JOB NR 1: GET RID OF TRUMP!!

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Bernie Vs Donald

Democrats s Republicans

Another period under Trump, will cost The US its leading position in the World forever. If this nation can not provide free healthcare and free/affordable education for all within the next 5 years. It will fall behind in the competition. Then the imigration problem will be turned upside down, and the nation will experience an emigration problem - not imigration anymore. People will search to settle down in countries that will offer these extremely important benefits to achieve prosperity and success for the times ahead.. 
If the voters fail to recognize this in the upcoming election, it will lead to a future calamity of epic proportions.
To the Impotus’ State of The Union speech - or rather Blinding by the numbers hoax, is this to be said: Forcing people to have to take on underpaid - minimum and under minimum wage paid jobs, that nobody really wants just to survive. Is NOT lifting people out of poverty, but ENSLAVING people to the benefits of the Rich.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

The moron puppet for Antichrist

5 more years under Trump will bring us to the time of The Apocalypse. Trump has clearly exposed himself to be a tool for Antichrist. Firing up hatred in all directions.

Pompous Pompeo, Tense Pence, Merry Perry and others that openly worship The Donald as the anointed one exposes some really scary mental issues. As they call themselves Evangelical, I wonder: What jibberish language are their Bibles in? They must obviously be very different from mine. Cause in accordance with mine Trump is breaking almost every single one of The Lord’s commandments several times a day every day.
He’s exclusively worshipping Mammon.
He hates his neighbors
He’s causing harm and death to children.
He’s witnessing false against his neighbors
He’s reknown for his affairs, excessive adultery and abuse of women.
He”s stealing from the tax-payers.
And what happened to: turning the other cheek, being merciful and compassionate?
To all Christians: Don’t fall for Trumps slick abortion maneuver. It's only an act to buy your devotion. In real life with his sexcapedes histories, he may very possibly have caused several abortions.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

It is a Glamour Economy.

It is a Flash Glamour Economy without substance. Just like Trump's former Casinos it will go down in disaster just like them.
I am getting this hunch that the economy is rigged right now. There is absolutely no common reason for the markets to be all time high. The numbers seems to be a bit cooked. And are overall really not that good. Except for the one-percenters that are playing the market..
A GDP between 1 and 2% is nothing to brag about. That’s practically a stand still. With an inflaton rate above 2% and a salary rise at just 0.2% gives NO hike in the income for the average American. 
And when you consider the federal deficits that is unimaginably colossal under Trump. That will come back to haunt us all sometime in the near future. Then you feel more like screaming for the anti-depressants, than to listen to nauseated bragging. 

Sunday, February 2, 2020

The Republican party

ought to rename

The Republican party should rename itself into: King Trump’s - or rather Emperor(IMPOTUS is of German heritage.) Trump’s party. Because they have with all possible clarity shown us; that they want to get rid of the Republic. The most manic cult in the history of America must be obliged to carry the worshipped’s name.
On the side here we bring pictures of the most batshitted of Trump’s But-sniffers:
McConnel, Graham, Gaetz, Collins. Plus there is a bunch more maybe not quite that outspoken 
How Trump managed in such short time reduce all of this House and Senate members from Men to mice is a total mystery. My private theory is that Trump has dug up some dirt on each he’s pressuring them with. Because that is the only thing Trump is really good at: Dirt digging.

Friday, January 31, 2020

The US 

failed completely.

In its most serious test for years; The US failed completely to withheld its position as The beacon of democracy in the free word. It is a very very sad day for every freedom and justice lover around the world. Its Constitution simply could not withstand the push from a deranged totally ruthless evil ego-tripper seizing power with the intention of becoming a dictator.
The last desperate chance now to get rid of Trump; is for the Democrats to win the upcoming election with a landslide. Because with a win lesser than 10% and the Republicans keep the Senate, Trump will likely deny to leave office. He will then make up some executive privilege that gives him the right to dismiss the result.  
We have now witnessed a rather sinister process, not worthy of being called a trial, against the IMPOTUS(Impeached president of the US) where same IMPOTUS have full control over the majority of voters. And they call this; Democracy? Its tempting to use the old cliche phrase; only in The United States.: 

Friday, January 17, 2020

The Donald is a mental timebomb.

Trust me. I have first hand knowledge about mental challenges. And as I have watched Dumbass Donald thoroughly lately it strikes me as dead certain, the guy is a heavy duty Schizo case. The paranoia, the conspiration spinnings, the shifting subjects while he speaks, his eye and head movements, all bargain for some serious Schizophrenia. 
He’s actually dangerously mentally ill. So keeping him in office is putting the whole World in the perilous seat.
Even though DD claims they did not, I dare to take the bet; him and Putin met more than once before and during the campaign in 2016. And of course; Putin and his people recognised DD’s insanity, and have exploited it ever since.
That so many are willing to trust him with their lives as commander in chief is to me absolutely unfathomable.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Trump is chickening out.

As I anticipated The Donald is running for hiding. He don’t dare to face an assembly where there will be critics. He knows that the scrutiny of an open hearing will expose him as a felon.
Further I am suspicious, caused by the almost total lack of unrestrained boasting, that the upcoming trade-deal “phase 1” with China is just more or less a move back to square one, when everything comes about.