Friday, November 20, 2020

 Fox Corporation

Trump and Trumpism's

hired Propaganda-machine.

The Americans’ favourite pass off time is to be scared. All the way back since Orson Wells’ famous Radio Shows people have enjoyed being scared at Cinema, on the radio, on TV, even in the Newspapers and now lately on the Social Media. It has been a huge market for SCARE. And the Murdochs run Fox News and their other outlets have recognized this as their absolute main market; serving scares in the form of news to the public. For some reason that recipe works in The US every time. Fox News has become an expert on the field. Presenting News half true, somewhat twisted and even totally false. Made up to plant a conspiracy theories to get people on the edge. The last 5 years they have had a deal going on with Trump. To help present whatever lunatic paranoid fantasy his insane brain could cook. They would cook it with him presenting it as News and Truth.So when the Murdochs put their entire US Broadcasting Corporation behind the spreading of Trump brain spin. It became a frighteningly effective Propaganda-machine. And this was a task they knew how to go about. It was far from their first rodeo in the American Society. Pretty soon they had managed to deceive +-30% of the entire population, seducing, scaring shitless or in most cases a combination of both.

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