Tuesday, February 11, 2020

It is a Glamour Economy.

It is a Flash Glamour Economy without substance. Just like Trump's former Casinos it will go down in disaster just like them.
I am getting this hunch that the economy is rigged right now. There is absolutely no common reason for the markets to be all time high. The numbers seems to be a bit cooked. And are overall really not that good. Except for the one-percenters that are playing the market..
A GDP between 1 and 2% is nothing to brag about. That’s practically a stand still. With an inflaton rate above 2% and a salary rise at just 0.2% gives NO hike in the income for the average American. 
And when you consider the federal deficits that is unimaginably colossal under Trump. That will come back to haunt us all sometime in the near future. Then you feel more like screaming for the anti-depressants, than to listen to nauseated bragging. 

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