Thursday, February 13, 2020

The moron puppet for Antichrist

5 more years under Trump will bring us to the time of The Apocalypse. Trump has clearly exposed himself to be a tool for Antichrist. Firing up hatred in all directions.

Pompous Pompeo, Tense Pence, Merry Perry and others that openly worship The Donald as the anointed one exposes some really scary mental issues. As they call themselves Evangelical, I wonder: What jibberish language are their Bibles in? They must obviously be very different from mine. Cause in accordance with mine Trump is breaking almost every single one of The Lord’s commandments several times a day every day.
He’s exclusively worshipping Mammon.
He hates his neighbors
He’s causing harm and death to children.
He’s witnessing false against his neighbors
He’s reknown for his affairs, excessive adultery and abuse of women.
He”s stealing from the tax-payers.
And what happened to: turning the other cheek, being merciful and compassionate?
To all Christians: Don’t fall for Trumps slick abortion maneuver. It's only an act to buy your devotion. In real life with his sexcapedes histories, he may very possibly have caused several abortions.

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