Sunday, February 23, 2020

Bernie Vs Donald

Democrats s Republicans

Another period under Trump, will cost The US its leading position in the World forever. If this nation can not provide free healthcare and free/affordable education for all within the next 5 years. It will fall behind in the competition. Then the imigration problem will be turned upside down, and the nation will experience an emigration problem - not imigration anymore. People will search to settle down in countries that will offer these extremely important benefits to achieve prosperity and success for the times ahead.. 
If the voters fail to recognize this in the upcoming election, it will lead to a future calamity of epic proportions.
To the Impotus’ State of The Union speech - or rather Blinding by the numbers hoax, is this to be said: Forcing people to have to take on underpaid - minimum and under minimum wage paid jobs, that nobody really wants just to survive. Is NOT lifting people out of poverty, but ENSLAVING people to the benefits of the Rich.

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