Friday, January 31, 2020

The US 

failed completely.

In its most serious test for years; The US failed completely to withheld its position as The beacon of democracy in the free word. It is a very very sad day for every freedom and justice lover around the world. Its Constitution simply could not withstand the push from a deranged totally ruthless evil ego-tripper seizing power with the intention of becoming a dictator.
The last desperate chance now to get rid of Trump; is for the Democrats to win the upcoming election with a landslide. Because with a win lesser than 10% and the Republicans keep the Senate, Trump will likely deny to leave office. He will then make up some executive privilege that gives him the right to dismiss the result.  
We have now witnessed a rather sinister process, not worthy of being called a trial, against the IMPOTUS(Impeached president of the US) where same IMPOTUS have full control over the majority of voters. And they call this; Democracy? Its tempting to use the old cliche phrase; only in The United States.: 

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