Sunday, February 23, 2020

Bernie Vs Donald

Democrats s Republicans

Another period under Trump, will cost The US its leading position in the World forever. If this nation can not provide free healthcare and free/affordable education for all within the next 5 years. It will fall behind in the competition. Then the imigration problem will be turned upside down, and the nation will experience an emigration problem - not imigration anymore. People will search to settle down in countries that will offer these extremely important benefits to achieve prosperity and success for the times ahead.. 
If the voters fail to recognize this in the upcoming election, it will lead to a future calamity of epic proportions.
To the Impotus’ State of The Union speech - or rather Blinding by the numbers hoax, is this to be said: Forcing people to have to take on underpaid - minimum and under minimum wage paid jobs, that nobody really wants just to survive. Is NOT lifting people out of poverty, but ENSLAVING people to the benefits of the Rich.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

The moron puppet for Antichrist

5 more years under Trump will bring us to the time of The Apocalypse. Trump has clearly exposed himself to be a tool for Antichrist. Firing up hatred in all directions.

Pompous Pompeo, Tense Pence, Merry Perry and others that openly worship The Donald as the anointed one exposes some really scary mental issues. As they call themselves Evangelical, I wonder: What jibberish language are their Bibles in? They must obviously be very different from mine. Cause in accordance with mine Trump is breaking almost every single one of The Lord’s commandments several times a day every day.
He’s exclusively worshipping Mammon.
He hates his neighbors
He’s causing harm and death to children.
He’s witnessing false against his neighbors
He’s reknown for his affairs, excessive adultery and abuse of women.
He”s stealing from the tax-payers.
And what happened to: turning the other cheek, being merciful and compassionate?
To all Christians: Don’t fall for Trumps slick abortion maneuver. It's only an act to buy your devotion. In real life with his sexcapedes histories, he may very possibly have caused several abortions.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

It is a Glamour Economy.

It is a Flash Glamour Economy without substance. Just like Trump's former Casinos it will go down in disaster just like them.
I am getting this hunch that the economy is rigged right now. There is absolutely no common reason for the markets to be all time high. The numbers seems to be a bit cooked. And are overall really not that good. Except for the one-percenters that are playing the market..
A GDP between 1 and 2% is nothing to brag about. That’s practically a stand still. With an inflaton rate above 2% and a salary rise at just 0.2% gives NO hike in the income for the average American. 
And when you consider the federal deficits that is unimaginably colossal under Trump. That will come back to haunt us all sometime in the near future. Then you feel more like screaming for the anti-depressants, than to listen to nauseated bragging. 

Sunday, February 2, 2020

The Republican party

ought to rename

The Republican party should rename itself into: King Trump’s - or rather Emperor(IMPOTUS is of German heritage.) Trump’s party. Because they have with all possible clarity shown us; that they want to get rid of the Republic. The most manic cult in the history of America must be obliged to carry the worshipped’s name.
On the side here we bring pictures of the most batshitted of Trump’s But-sniffers:
McConnel, Graham, Gaetz, Collins. Plus there is a bunch more maybe not quite that outspoken 
How Trump managed in such short time reduce all of this House and Senate members from Men to mice is a total mystery. My private theory is that Trump has dug up some dirt on each he’s pressuring them with. Because that is the only thing Trump is really good at: Dirt digging.