Friday, May 24, 2019

US  No longer the leading power in the world.

I am sorry to have to say this: But as a foreigner with a slightly different mindset than a lot of Americans I can tell that the US is no more looked upon as The leading nation of the world. And it has totally lost its reputation as a moral beacon for freedom and independence.
The Constitution has proven itself to be scaringly insufficient to handle the situation with a mentally dysfunctional president

surrounded by a court of equally mental asslicking advisers. As an alien I have sometimes had to pinch myself to remind me that what’s been playing out actually is reality and not a stupid sitcom. On the level of preschool sandbox war between toddlers.
Where the self-acclaimed; “extremely stable genius” considers it to be treason if you do not agree with his delusions.

It is sad but true: The respect The US is used to enjoy from the rest of the World, is rapidly dwindling.

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