Sunday, June 16, 2019

Unfit for the job.

The Republicans seems to be in a strange collectively denial. But, it’s chrystal clear to the rest of the World that the US president is a serious mental basket case. And you can tell the other World-leaders are aware of it and acts accordingly. He’s played for a fool time after time. But is unfortunately not capable of realising it himself.
The striking megalomania and mythomania topped with severe paranoia, the obsessions and obvious compulsion neurosis is a psychological cocktail absolutely unfit for a commander in chief.
Lately he has flagged his wet dream of becoming a dictator for life, and how he in the process is gonna shut down all oppositional media.
Republicans: Whatever you are smoking there on the Hill, that keeps you from reacting to this imminent threat to freedom and The Constitution. You are severely tardy about shaking off the Trump-intoxication, clearing your brains and WAKE UP!

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