Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Money-Laundering and Corruption

Time after time we are witnessing how The Donald is laying himself facing aggression and possible crossing of the interesses of. Putin and the crown-prince of Saudi Arabia. Demonstrating to us that they seem to have a hold over him. Which now with the exposure of The Donalds total failure as a businessman clearly spells out what kind. Obviously his system has been in a dire need for artificial respiration in order for not to crash completely. Whereupon the Putin and tha Saudi sferes have been more than willing to provide, in the form of money-laundering, bribes and general corruption. The Donalds frantic panicking from getting his tax-returns released is caused by the knowledge; that in the case they become public, he will be DONE for good.
If proofed (and I’m willing to bet on it) it will of cause place The US President in among the worst con-men of all times. Making previous convicts like Bernie Madoff appear like a shy choir- boy.

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