Saturday, December 7, 2019

Release of Trump’s tax return and financial records.

Scotus ought to release Trump’s tax return and financial records immediately. Not only is the law absolutely crystal clear on the congress’ right to have them. It also is totally constitutionally wrong for this country to have a president presiding over the tax-payers money, that it might turn out; he never ever contributed to. 
We the people must have an indisputable statute enabling to check if the person in the lands highest office, is cheating on his taxes or is engaged in financial misconduct whenever and for whatever reason we find the need to.
And I am bold enough to put forward a pretty substantial bet, they will all reveal multiple occurences of the most serious high crimes. That would conclude the impeachment and removing from office without further ado.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Trump is winning.

I am sorry to have to say this, but Trump is winning. Winning the war against the dems in the Congress. He’s just sooo much better than them in media “Blitz-Krieg”. The dems fumbled it away again. There’s so many wague witnesses and documents, The Impeachment process is still not fully on. The time is running out in a new round of “jada jada jada”. Everything has to be soo comprehensive, it”s all dying out.
The only way to win the war on impeachment against Trump, is to go straight for the heart. NO comprehensiveness, just straight in to set the dagger in his tax-return and finances. Expose The Donald’s own vast corruption, money-laundering and con-games.
It really baffles me as a foreigner. that the congress is NOT able to do that. The country reveals itself as a free-haven for financial con-arts of all kinds.
Fiddling around with “impeachy” behavior portraying Trump as a badboy is backfiring resolutely. America has long since had a serious crush on badboys. The people love a badboy. That’s part of the charm that got him elected in the first place. They wanted someone that could kick ass.
NO democrats: Do it properly this time. Or shut the f… up! The whole thing is getting really boooring now.

Sunday, September 29, 2019


from office!

As an outsider coming her to seek freedom and justice, its startling and frustrating to see what level of corruption has infiltrated the US society. Exposed here on a daily basis its nothing shy of Burkina Faso or any other banana-republic. And it must feel embarrassing to the citizens getting their beloved country exposed like that.
No doubt Putin, The Saudis and others is playing Trump as an useful idiot, and succeeding very well about it. The president unfortunately all too slow to understand what is really going on. He needs to be impeached as soon as possible before he causes more dangerous havoc.
I personally bet all answers, and even more grave criminal reasons to impeachment would be revealed in The Donald’s tax-return. I feel pretty sure my allegations of extensive money laundering, bribery and flat out corruption will spring to knowledge. Purportradet by Putin, The Saudis and other shady power players. 
The fact that the controlling organs in Washington are not able to get their hands on Trump’s tax-return and finances is almost unfathomable - a serious flaw in the US Constitution. Because up to now The Donald has been allowed to govern and behave like a king. Which as I have come to understand it was the absolute reason to found The US; to get rid of that kind of privileged crap.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The Soup Council

The Soup Council (The Congress) is rejourned after a lengthy summer holiday. But as usual is nothing really happening. And they have already squabbled away the better part of a week. I am sorry to have to bring it to you America: But your Constitution does not work according to intentions. The Congress has become an institution with NO real power. Put up against a maniac in the white house.
Nevertheless the Democrats absolutely silly impeach hearing blabber happening today just made the damage to become more permanent. Causing my sympathies to actually irk and inch away in the wrong direction. And unfortunately: I think many more tends to feel this way with me.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Recession is comming.

Us that have been around a little while, and have lived through all the economic crisis and recessions since WW2, knows that just the hours or just days ahead of when they become stated facts, The Feds and other “economic heavyweights” held mandatory speeches aimed to lull us into the belief that it’s not happening now. I think we just witnessed that session just now taking place in  Zurich.
Cause the numbers tells us loud and clear; that a recession is on its way. The job numbers and the orders for manufactured goods does NOT look good when you breake them down. Absolutely nothing to cheer for.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Women for Trump

How can they expect respect from the rest of us, when they are panting for a predator, harasser and opressor like bitches in heat? Women for Trump; have they got their brains sucked out. No wonder nothing much came out of that “MeToo” movement. When it seems half of the American women are thick as bricks.
I am aware of my perilous position in becoming a hate object by a lot of American women. But really….- Come on! - “Women for Trump”. Masochism seems to be a collective mental dysfunction among the concerned. WAKE UP!!! Shake your brains into gear. 
He looks down on you, treats you as subclass, and still you are willing to vote for more. I mean: You people needs counseling.

Friday, June 21, 2019

He wavered. In his most defining moment. The president of The United States flinched and chickened out. The Iranian theocracy called his bluff. No doubt the Iranians will credit this as a full victory. No doubt all the other ruthless dictators in the World noticed his weakness. His tiny lack of ruthlessness when it came to ordering killing People directly. He can no longer play the toughest in the World card when negotiating.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Unfit for the job.

The Republicans seems to be in a strange collectively denial. But, it’s chrystal clear to the rest of the World that the US president is a serious mental basket case. And you can tell the other World-leaders are aware of it and acts accordingly. He’s played for a fool time after time. But is unfortunately not capable of realising it himself.
The striking megalomania and mythomania topped with severe paranoia, the obsessions and obvious compulsion neurosis is a psychological cocktail absolutely unfit for a commander in chief.
Lately he has flagged his wet dream of becoming a dictator for life, and how he in the process is gonna shut down all oppositional media.
Republicans: Whatever you are smoking there on the Hill, that keeps you from reacting to this imminent threat to freedom and The Constitution. You are severely tardy about shaking off the Trump-intoxication, clearing your brains and WAKE UP!

Friday, May 24, 2019

US  No longer the leading power in the world.

I am sorry to have to say this: But as a foreigner with a slightly different mindset than a lot of Americans I can tell that the US is no more looked upon as The leading nation of the world. And it has totally lost its reputation as a moral beacon for freedom and independence.
The Constitution has proven itself to be scaringly insufficient to handle the situation with a mentally dysfunctional president

surrounded by a court of equally mental asslicking advisers. As an alien I have sometimes had to pinch myself to remind me that what’s been playing out actually is reality and not a stupid sitcom. On the level of preschool sandbox war between toddlers.
Where the self-acclaimed; “extremely stable genius” considers it to be treason if you do not agree with his delusions.

It is sad but true: The respect The US is used to enjoy from the rest of the World, is rapidly dwindling.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Congress - a Soup Counsel

The Congress has been blah, blah, blah and jada, jada jaing for almost 5 months now without getting anything significant out of it. It is more and more becoming what we in Norway would name a Soup Counsel. A cackling roost without ability to bite nd with no real power to put force behind their demands, hence its now ignored by servicemen and private persons alike. From a foreigners point of view looking in on US politics it appears quite awkward, and makes one feel embarrassed on the behalf of the institution.
In the name of Democracy: America you have to fix this - NOW!!

Sunday, May 12, 2019

A trade war already lost With The Donald in Power.

It seems to me that americans simply are not capable to understand the Chinese mindset. AS proud descendants of The Middle Kingdom they regard The Donald as a barbarian, raging thug representing a temporary world power. China’s long time goal is to surpass The US to become THE leading, and we fear; dominant World power as it once was. Loosing face is a sort of no no in the Chinese culture. So they definitely will NOT let themselves being pressured and certainly not intimidated by The US with a rude and stupid The Donald at charge. Who conducts policies and are governing according to his own personal impulsive whims.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Money-Laundering and Corruption

Time after time we are witnessing how The Donald is laying himself facing aggression and possible crossing of the interesses of. Putin and the crown-prince of Saudi Arabia. Demonstrating to us that they seem to have a hold over him. Which now with the exposure of The Donalds total failure as a businessman clearly spells out what kind. Obviously his system has been in a dire need for artificial respiration in order for not to crash completely. Whereupon the Putin and tha Saudi sferes have been more than willing to provide, in the form of money-laundering, bribes and general corruption. The Donalds frantic panicking from getting his tax-returns released is caused by the knowledge; that in the case they become public, he will be DONE for good.
If proofed (and I’m willing to bet on it) it will of cause place The US President in among the worst con-men of all times. Making previous convicts like Bernie Madoff appear like a shy choir- boy.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Impeach the president!

Impeach him!

It is obvious by the way he behave that The Donald have a very immature mind. Mentally he is still that super-spoiled kid in highschool, that wants to play with the cool big guys. And in his mind the cool guys in the World now is Putin, Erdogan, Kim, Ping, the Royal Saudi Arabs and other dictators that do not need to give a shit about the law. Who’s defining Justice out of their own needs. Accordingly he has taken on to behave like them; with a readiness to break the law whenever it suits him. And tragikly he is far on the stretch to getting away with it.
Because The Democrats has developed into becoming a liberal, intellectual debate club - all talk and NO BITE.
In the eyes of the rest of the Free World now in Easter: FOR CHRIST SAKE; IMPEACH HIM!
Everybody else than die-hard The Donald fans do recognize that the other “Big boy” dictators are playing him for a fool, - which he rightfully is. Because on top of his already mentioned mental issue he has an absolute extreme attention complex as well as a rough case of megalomania.
To all the outsiders looking in to The US it is very apparent that in spite of a seemingly economic boom. The country is in reality falling apart.
Again: To Congress and Senate: In the name of keeping at least a shred of of trust and credibility concerning The US Constitution and Democracy in the eyes of the rest of the World and hopefully most americans; it’s now mandatory to IMPEACH.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

The competition to be the Worlds leading nation.

To maintain its status as the number 1 nation, The US has to come to grips with its health-care problems. In the long run there is absolutely no feasible way around the demand for universal health care.
And as a good number 2; affordable education. So that whoever has the talent may get to study whatever they want. It is definitely not written in stone; that the sharpest minds have to come out of the upper middle class and the wealthy.
Failing to solve and achieve these goals will end up with pushing the nations future greatest talents out of the country. And thereby being lost to the competition.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Despicable landlords in Sanford Maine.

In Sanford Maine we experienced a ruthless rental-market driven by massive greed. Mercyless to its core. The tenants health and conditions are of no concern to the landlords and their agents.
Our first landlord stole our deposit money in collaboration with the agent, and used it all to prep the house for sale-showings and imposed services on our part. Our second landlord lied without even a flinch about the hazard of dangerous lead-exposure in the house. We all got affected by it, my wife really seriously.
On top of that he tried to wriggle his way out of reimbursing us for money we put up for power for a landscaping company he was involved in in the backyard. After we demanded our rightful pay, he retaliated by terminating the lease.
The third landlord kicked us out because of some kids noise. In the dead of mid winther he prepared for an eviction even after being notified about my wifes very serious open surgery and serious health concerns. Just to maintain his own comfort-zone he unscrupulously went about to put a family consisting of a seriously ill mother a disabled father and three minor kids on the street in the bitter winter cold.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Will tell it all as I see it.

I originally planned to stay out of politics and other dreadful everyday subjects and just focus on the positive particularities about New England in this blog. But after having been exposed to the lesser nice aspects of this society, I have changed my mind. So from now on I will tell it all straight out how I experience it good as well as bad. And that goes for, not only the region of New England, but for the whole of the American society.