Friday, May 24, 2019

US  No longer the leading power in the world.

I am sorry to have to say this: But as a foreigner with a slightly different mindset than a lot of Americans I can tell that the US is no more looked upon as The leading nation of the world. And it has totally lost its reputation as a moral beacon for freedom and independence.
The Constitution has proven itself to be scaringly insufficient to handle the situation with a mentally dysfunctional president

surrounded by a court of equally mental asslicking advisers. As an alien I have sometimes had to pinch myself to remind me that what’s been playing out actually is reality and not a stupid sitcom. On the level of preschool sandbox war between toddlers.
Where the self-acclaimed; “extremely stable genius” considers it to be treason if you do not agree with his delusions.

It is sad but true: The respect The US is used to enjoy from the rest of the World, is rapidly dwindling.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Congress - a Soup Counsel

The Congress has been blah, blah, blah and jada, jada jaing for almost 5 months now without getting anything significant out of it. It is more and more becoming what we in Norway would name a Soup Counsel. A cackling roost without ability to bite nd with no real power to put force behind their demands, hence its now ignored by servicemen and private persons alike. From a foreigners point of view looking in on US politics it appears quite awkward, and makes one feel embarrassed on the behalf of the institution.
In the name of Democracy: America you have to fix this - NOW!!

Sunday, May 12, 2019

A trade war already lost With The Donald in Power.

It seems to me that americans simply are not capable to understand the Chinese mindset. AS proud descendants of The Middle Kingdom they regard The Donald as a barbarian, raging thug representing a temporary world power. China’s long time goal is to surpass The US to become THE leading, and we fear; dominant World power as it once was. Loosing face is a sort of no no in the Chinese culture. So they definitely will NOT let themselves being pressured and certainly not intimidated by The US with a rude and stupid The Donald at charge. Who conducts policies and are governing according to his own personal impulsive whims.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Money-Laundering and Corruption

Time after time we are witnessing how The Donald is laying himself facing aggression and possible crossing of the interesses of. Putin and the crown-prince of Saudi Arabia. Demonstrating to us that they seem to have a hold over him. Which now with the exposure of The Donalds total failure as a businessman clearly spells out what kind. Obviously his system has been in a dire need for artificial respiration in order for not to crash completely. Whereupon the Putin and tha Saudi sferes have been more than willing to provide, in the form of money-laundering, bribes and general corruption. The Donalds frantic panicking from getting his tax-returns released is caused by the knowledge; that in the case they become public, he will be DONE for good.
If proofed (and I’m willing to bet on it) it will of cause place The US President in among the worst con-men of all times. Making previous convicts like Bernie Madoff appear like a shy choir- boy.