Monday, August 2, 2021


Unjustified health scares create trillion dollars industries in the US.

I have serious doubts about the sleep apnea theories claiming its causing heart failure and other serious health problems. It is NOT empirically and clinically proven. They’re all based  on interpretations of statistics with a blind eye towards the very plausible possibility of plain coincidental cooccurrences without any direct connections.

Why should altering your heartbeat rhythm be life threatening when you sleep, when its concluded healthy and life prolonging when you are awake working out or doing sports. The sleep apnea problematics is especially emphasized in the US. I suspect that the healthcare industry, which is a multi trillion dollar industry in the US and is dependent on selling their services, medicines and equipment. Wants to create dependency and addictions to milk the patients for huge sums.

With millions upon millions treated for sleep apnea in the US. It has absolutely zero effect on the major cause of death; heart disease. Which is actually growing year by year.

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