Tuesday, October 5, 2021

 This guy is profoundly mentally ill.

He desperately needs therapy and Medical Treatment

It really baffles me how intensely the Trumpers are worshipping their obviously insane front figure. I mean: How can anyone have any faith in a guy needing an hour every morning combing and hair-spraying his weirdo hair-do. Following up with another half hour of tan-spraying his face and neck. For then to massively lying through his unnaturally bright false teeth? While he’s gesticulating his small manicured hands in sometime feminine ways as you wath his performances. His whole appearance reek of fake and dishonesty. And he obviously has a serious penis complex. Exposed in his conduct and attitude. And his obsession  for vengeance and retaliation.

It perplexes me that no more of psychiatrists and psychologists have pointed out Trump;s obviously severe case of Schizophrenia. He actually believes he is the Chosen one. And he really think that the Insane stuff playing out in his brain is Real. That the conspiracy-theories causing his paranoia is Reality. Which makes him unfit to fill almost any position with responsibilities. In other countries he most likely would have been considered mentally disabled. Whereupon he would have been put in therapy and medical treatment.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Individual Freedom Requires High Demands on Morals, Ethics and Integrity

It is of deep concern to me that the individual freedom in the US seems threatened on several fronts. Because of federal and local authorities regulations and controlling hunger and also by the corporations growing into monopolies.

This individual freedom which historically has been most abundant in the US is definitely threatened. And its the very backbone of the American Dream which has created the American success as the World’s most innovative and creative nation the last 150 years. If it should get lost: USA will get lost.

Because people when they feel safely embedded in comprehensive individual freedom they get creative. The fear of failing gets minimized. 

So a certain amount of individual freedom is absolutely crucial to get it going.

In our more and more complex and complicated society; its neede a very fine tuned administration to be able to do the tightrope balancing necessary to pull that off. 

Additionally it it puts high demands on the individuals themselves. To their morals, ethics and integrity..

Unfortunately it seems that lack of these has tragically deteriorated the last 40 years. And attitudes of selfishness and greed have become driving forces in the society.


Monday, August 2, 2021


Unjustified health scares create trillion dollars industries in the US.

I have serious doubts about the sleep apnea theories claiming its causing heart failure and other serious health problems. It is NOT empirically and clinically proven. They’re all based  on interpretations of statistics with a blind eye towards the very plausible possibility of plain coincidental cooccurrences without any direct connections.

Why should altering your heartbeat rhythm be life threatening when you sleep, when its concluded healthy and life prolonging when you are awake working out or doing sports. The sleep apnea problematics is especially emphasized in the US. I suspect that the healthcare industry, which is a multi trillion dollar industry in the US and is dependent on selling their services, medicines and equipment. Wants to create dependency and addictions to milk the patients for huge sums.

With millions upon millions treated for sleep apnea in the US. It has absolutely zero effect on the major cause of death; heart disease. Which is actually growing year by year.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

 USA crippled by medical debt.

But the sickest of all the negative features cracking through the fake facade of

the wealthy US, is the barely fathomable +-150 million people

struggling with medical debts. In an advanced nation with ambitions of being among the leading nations in the World is this a despicable disgrace. Which over time will cause tremendous backlash.

Much more effective than issuing out stimulus checks would it be to come up with a program for debt amnesties for these peoples, quick and clean. Its an absolutely must for the American society to take care of this in order to succeed building a bright and wealthy future.

As all the nations US compete with offers their inhabitants some kind of more or less free healthcare its easy to imagine the outcome if the US wont.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021


Watching the USA destructing itself.

Trump unleashed the demons into the American people. The hatred and dishonesty is worse than ever. My Asian wife Who is born American gets racial slurs hauled after her on the streets. Nobody looks up to The US and the American people anymore.

Empathy and compassion seems more or less eradicated ordinary people inbetween.

In the Republican Party virtues like honesty, honorability, independence and integrity are totally abandoned. Replaced with Corruption, DIshonesty, Aggressiveness, fraudulence, vulgarity,, nastiness, rudeness, greed, selfishness and egotripping . Not at all recognisable from just a few years back.

The tremendous spike in violence, hatred and racism throughout the country is just plain terrifying, with mass shootings almost every day. Rips the whole nation apart. Its a disgrace. The rest of the World is following the development.

Let’s just face it: A lot of Americans are not mentally equipped to handle a second Amendment. That goes not only for the shooters themselves, but also for the enticing and inflaming. politicians.

Sunday, February 14, 2021


I predict that within the next 2 years, the Republican party will be split in 2. 1 group attended by Trump enablers. A group of Nasty Rude subdued Cowards. That will cling on to Trump and his EgoTrippingFascism or Trumpism. Which will dwindle severely in support as the filthy Truth Concealed during The Donald’s presidency will progressively be exposed.

As dishonesty, fraud, corruption and so on is considered virtues in this group, people like McConnell, Gaetz, Jordan, Graham and more will flock here.
They call themselves Republicans, but they just acquitted their obvious to everyone; GUILTY Monarch Donald Trump.