Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Official Mass. groundhog sees shadow

Ms. G, the official state groundhog, saw her shadow Tuesday morning when she went outside, which “predicts” six more weeks of winter.
John Tlumacki/Globe staff
Ms. G, the official state groundhog, saw her shadow Tuesday morning when she went outside, which “predicts” six more weeks of winter.

It looks like six more weeks of winter are in store for Massachusetts — Ms. G, the official state groundhog, saw her shadow when she went outside Tuesday morning.
The Mass Audubon Drumlin Farm Wildlife Sanctuary in Lincoln held a special event for Ms. G’s official “prognostication.” With a mostly sunny day forecast, it was no surprise when the furry creature saw her shadow.
Meanwhile, Punxsutawney Phil, the famous groundhog of Pennsylvania, did not see his shadow when he wandered outside Tuesday. That region already got hit by near record-breaking wintry conditions this year, so a prediction of early spring could be reassuring for those residents.
Ms. G made an appearance before a crowd of mostly children.
John Tlumacki/Globe staff
Ms. G made an appearance before a crowd of mostly children.

J.D. Capelouto can be reached at jd.capelouto@globe.com. Follow him on Twitter @jdcapelouto.

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