Wednesday, October 5, 2016

 Besieged by beauty.

It is starting now. These few weeks of every year when New England, which in my mind is already is one of the more beautiful parts of the world is like lifted up into etheric overwhelming almost heavenly beauty. Shrouded and draped in the most amazing and tantalizing colors you can imagine. Or maybe its just that. You are not able to imagene them without seeing them. Sometimes you have to stop and just gape in awe. This time of year we feel an absolutely privileged to be allowed to live here.
When the air is so crisp and clear but still with a little stubborn summer-warmth in. Its like breathing silk, champagne and liquid gold.

It makes me thirst for dark red wine, and brow liquors like fine brandies and whisky. Celebrating with hearty warming fall dishes like stew and roasts.

If you still have not put coming here to experience the foliage season around here on your bucket-list. You are missing out on something significantly in your soul and mind building.      

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

It is closing in.

Slowly but steadily we can notice an increasing activity picking up in what in my mind is the greatest spectacle on the globe: The NFL season.As a resident in New England there is actually only one team that really matters; The Patriots. – Gronk, Brady, Edelmann and company the anticipation is loaded.I am pretty sure all of us afficianodos hope all the drama is going to take take place on the field this season. So we can avoid incidents that just become embarrassments for both the franchise and the sport.Personally as a Norwegian I have to admit that I also give a little heart to Minnesota Vikings. Kind of find that naturally.(Heh heh) 

Monday, July 4, 2016


4th of July!

To everyone all over who cares to read this blog. From all of us here in New England.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Brexit could be a golden economic opportunity for US.

When the British no longer will be out of the EUs regulatory straightjacket. There could be golden oportunities for US and especially The New England area to knit broad and profitable deals with Britain. The New Englanders should know their visiting hours, aswe say in Norway, and take advantage of this new situation and forge while the metal is hot (another Norwegian saying).

Saturday, April 30, 2016

BYOB is comming to Boston.

Boston’s licensing board voted Thursday to change its regulations to allow diners to bring their own alcoholic beverages into certain city restaurants. I mean: Can it get any better?? This is what I call real creative thinking. Snd as a Norwegian I am absolutely flabbergasted. Just trying to imagining such a thing could happen in Oslo Norway is virtually impossible.

Chears Boston! - A city of my heart.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Heading into the 

ballpark season.

You can feel it in the air. It is a great anticipation going on. The all famous Baseball season is about to start now in early April. Baseball alongside American football is as American as it can get. And the fans are seriously engaged into every aspect of their favorite teams. But as an immigrant to this fabulous environment I embarrassingly have to admit that I really do not know the rules in detail. Except for the big home run that has become an expression for raking it in all over the world.

Friday, March 11, 2016


Then suddenly it became spring in New England. Just like that. In a matter of hours we wnt from dreadfull freezzing winther to warm sunny uplifting spring. From - 10 to
+ 70 degrees within days.


Spring is when mother nature becomes just like a little girl again putting on her lightest prettiest dress to show off a little, a little flirty. To make us fall in love with her all over again.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

The rage against politicians in this 2016 president ellection.

As a Norwegian I understand completely the voters rage against the Establishment, the priveleges, the corruption and the life crunching bureaucracy. So it is kind a refreshing to me to watch candidates that dare to tell it like it is and skip the dobbelt standard political correctness.
In Norway where 60 - 65% of eberything is public and government, expressions like we have heard during the campaign here; would have been impossible. 

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Bernie Sanders!

Take it from me, a Norwegian that just escaped out of there. Socialism is nothing to reach for. You have been blinded by the false facade of happiness the Scandinavian countries put up for the UN surveys. But irt is all just glamour created by their coocked statistics. Finland and Sweeden are really strugling bad on the verge of state of emergency. Their economies in shambles. And Norway is still barely floating thany in the oks to formrt piled up money in the Oilfund. But they are all dwindling out fast now. And with a public sector surpassing 60% of the GNP. The future look rather gloomy for the moment. For USA with its business structure and culture, socialism wold be nothing short of a total disaster.   

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Official Mass. groundhog sees shadow

Ms. G, the official state groundhog, saw her shadow Tuesday morning when she went outside, which “predicts” six more weeks of winter.
John Tlumacki/Globe staff
Ms. G, the official state groundhog, saw her shadow Tuesday morning when she went outside, which “predicts” six more weeks of winter.

It looks like six more weeks of winter are in store for Massachusetts — Ms. G, the official state groundhog, saw her shadow when she went outside Tuesday morning.
The Mass Audubon Drumlin Farm Wildlife Sanctuary in Lincoln held a special event for Ms. G’s official “prognostication.” With a mostly sunny day forecast, it was no surprise when the furry creature saw her shadow.
Meanwhile, Punxsutawney Phil, the famous groundhog of Pennsylvania, did not see his shadow when he wandered outside Tuesday. That region already got hit by near record-breaking wintry conditions this year, so a prediction of early spring could be reassuring for those residents.
Ms. G made an appearance before a crowd of mostly children.
John Tlumacki/Globe staff
Ms. G made an appearance before a crowd of mostly children.

J.D. Capelouto can be reached at Follow him on Twitter @jdcapelouto.

Friday, January 29, 2016


Please get rid of Obamacare.
It is the most unjust piece of hidden tyrant legislation I ever come across. And as a Norwegian I know a lot about hidden tyrannical legislation. One of the strongest reason that we moved here to New England, was to gain our freedom back. 
This legislation with its penalty tax is pure totalitarian. And it has probably just caused the cost of insurance to skyrocket. Those compulsory bronze plans covering next to nothing for almost 
$ 6000 a year (Including the tax subsidization) is absolutely ridiculess. 
How could that happen? What are your politicians in Washington doing on their fat payments you pay them? - Sleeping?!?

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Patriots lost!!

New England are grieving. On most it came as a little bit of a shock. In peoples mind it became kind of granted that The Patriots would make it to the Superbowl this season. But, no. In the final for claiming the AFC championship, things went sour. It was a fierce battle. The game could have tipped either way, all up to the last seconds. In aftermath though it seems to me that the united players on The Broncos team really really wanted that victory just that little bit more.
I will have to admit it was fair. Even though, as a die hard Patriots fan i am a bit sad these days.

Friday, January 1, 2016