Friday, September 15, 2023




The Brazilian Trump-clone Bolsonaro was just sentenced to 17 years behind bars for exactly the same crime as Trump committed, just in the matter of months. Need more proof the US has become Third World? The Judicial system and DOJ in the US have developed into becoming Slow-motion twisted Nightmares. Total embarrassments for the whole Nation.
There's absolutely NO Equality for the Law whatsoever.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

 The FOOL on the Hill.

The fool on the Hill.

Absolutely NO foreign leader has any respect for Trump. There are just a handful of autocrats and dictators who are playing along in that they find him to be a useful Idiot. They may play for a Fool whenever they want. Which they did over and over again while he was in Office.

Isis fooled him. Iran fooled him. Putin fooled him. Taliban fooled him. Little Rocket Man Kim fooled him. Mexican president fooled him(Those 27,000 soldiers vs migrants never really happened.) NATO fooled him(But in a positive way for the nation and The Free World). China’s Xi fooled him(Trump doesn’t understand how tariffs work). The Saudis fooled him. And so on and so on.

Friday, January 13, 2023

Glamour Nation Continued

It’s only the Americans themselves that think they were/are so damn great.

Most of the World isn’t that impressed with them - far from it. No other nation is

even close to the level of self-bragging as of which is going on in the US.

And in their mind the majority of the population actually comes about to

believe in it.

But then there are all those who I will say represent the Dying Soul of America. All those who independently just go around minding their own business. Doing their everyday own things not minding politics and sleazy governing forces. The silent, no longer the majority of decent honorable citizens. The pillar of which the mythic American Dream was based on.

Thankfully among these inhabitants there still are those World Class best of the best greatest people selflessly generously helping their neighbors and others in their efforts to keep it all together. And they are the reason this Nation is still floating.

They are the reason we preserve here desperately clinging to the hope that somehow these people will be able to jolt the USA into a distinctly more positive trace.

Unfortunately, though it seems like the majority of the population has been contaminated by some very toxic mental slouch - like excessive self-centering, infinite greed and mean ruthless Evil on top of dishonesty and fraudulence.

Infusing hate, hate and more hate the groups of people in between. Causing the Nation as such careening into an accelerating downward spiral. Threatening to demolish the country completely.