Saturday, April 9, 2022

 US Evangelicals

  on their Highway to


The Evangelicals in the US have become our days’ Pharisees with their program for

Conservative values. Jesus was a Radical God Damn It - a Revolutionary in his time.

And how the Heck can a former KGB officer Child killing mass murderer be Considered to possess any whatsoever Christian value. It’s INSANE - an abomination. Putin is Pure Satanic EVIL The Evangelical ministers who are preaching this crap are insulting Christ on a personal level. They have been seduced to become puppets of Antichrist.

Seemingly unknowing and unaware they’re paving their way straight to Hell dragging their whole congregations with them.

Their worship of Trump is equally bad. Totally contradictory to Jesus’ teachings.

Just because Trump dishonestly claims he is against Abortion. With his excessive mingling and cheating with prostitutes everywhere he goes, only God knows how many Abortions he directly or indirectly is responsible of. Trump’s Evil, Ruthless, totally dishonest, fraudulent, greedy and extremely self-centered soul is condemned.

So, what about: Loving your Neighbors, turning the other cheek and stuff like that? Does that count as anything for the Evangelicals anymore? They seem to have developed into a dark and Cursed lot misguided by their pastors.

They sincerely need to open their eyes and rethink their substance and message to people.

Just now they’re doing the Devil's work for him.