Monday, March 21, 2022

 Apocalypse NOW!

Is Kyiv Actually 


Is it time to give up on humanity? As they’ve forfeited all their chances up through history. 

The Free world is in serious trouble. Evil players are seizing power all over and joining forces.

Little Vladimir Satanowiz Putin is the Commanding Spider spinning the Evil web around the World. So far it consists of Russia itself Belarus, China, Venezuela, Syria, Iran, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, Most Arab Nations, Afghanistan, North Korea support from India, Indonesia, Libya, Several African States, Pakistan, Mexiko, Hungary and Serbia inside Europe, and more. Even Israel i cozying up with the Devil

All in all the Free World comprise just about 30% of the World's population. And is Dwindling rapidly. Next nation to be Demonized/Dictatorized Will very likely become Taiwan.

On top of being outmanned 3/1 by outside adversaries, the Free world is experiencing nasty rapidly spreading Nazification among its own population. A lot of Antichrist Puppets are distributing their Evil Doctrines. Some of the Freedom Antagonists have seduced big crowds forming shear Cults where the members will resort to violence and kill for their worshiped Leaders. Several of these delusional deceivers qualify to be described as False Prophets as Jesus warned they are all Dictatorial Tyrant wannabees.

What is happening in Ukraine these days are: Perfectly ordinary people doing their everyday shores. Minding their own business. Not disturbing or provoking anyone. Just going about trying to build in as much happiness in their modest lives as they might. Gets tortured mutilated raped and massacred on orders from an Evil Insane Sadist in Kreml. Just to satisfy his Evil Desires.

And I say: The Free world has an obligation to take that creep out. The World will Never be entirely free if we let that kind of lowlife thugs trample all over US. We’ve had to cope with far too many of those despicable kinds up through history. It’s time for the Freedom Forces to get Tough. Stand our ground no matter what. It’s time for the to wipe out these kind of Slime Nugs one by one once and for all. 

For US to be able to: Keep on Rockin in The Free World.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022


In these Dreadful days - Just IMAGINE!

Check the text from Lennon the Visionary!