Tuesday, October 5, 2021

 This guy is profoundly mentally ill.

He desperately needs therapy and Medical Treatment

It really baffles me how intensely the Trumpers are worshipping their obviously insane front figure. I mean: How can anyone have any faith in a guy needing an hour every morning combing and hair-spraying his weirdo hair-do. Following up with another half hour of tan-spraying his face and neck. For then to massively lying through his unnaturally bright false teeth? While he’s gesticulating his small manicured hands in sometime feminine ways as you wath his performances. His whole appearance reek of fake and dishonesty. And he obviously has a serious penis complex. Exposed in his conduct and attitude. And his obsession  for vengeance and retaliation.

It perplexes me that no more of psychiatrists and psychologists have pointed out Trump;s obviously severe case of Schizophrenia. He actually believes he is the Chosen one. And he really think that the Insane stuff playing out in his brain is Real. That the conspiracy-theories causing his paranoia is Reality. Which makes him unfit to fill almost any position with responsibilities. In other countries he most likely would have been considered mentally disabled. Whereupon he would have been put in therapy and medical treatment.