Monday, April 20, 2020

Remake or brake the USA

The coronavirus crisis did not take long to expose the very vulnerable soft underbelly of the American society.
Its far from certain that those disrespected people who do the absolutely most important, necessary ground work in  this country as well as most countries around the world, will continue to endure their lives which in everything but the name is sheer slavery for the wealthy, like harvesting all our foods and other basic society chores.
So then: When will we see Jared Kushner, Ivanka and Donald Trump out on the fields harvesting for food.
Most scary is it that the people as such seems to become as bipolar divided as the presidents bipolar Schizophrenic mind. With supporters and members of the Republican party equally paranoid towards all and everything as Trump himself. Its like he has cast a spell on them, blocking their capability of individual thinking an common sense. Morals and ethics are already long gone.

We can all agree on slogans about opportunities creativity and hard work and dedication. But it is the rewarding of all that dedication and hard work that is so totally askew. The distribution of wealth that shows up to be heartbreakingly unfair. 
On top of that an absolutely ludacris healthcare system, which also only favoured the wealthy and profanely rich, is contributing heavily in bringing the nation down now during the pandemic. Which can end up completely destroying the country.
The glamour fasade economy for the very few are coming crashing down pulverising the structure and fabric of the whole society with it.
Some profound changes has to be constituted when it comes to the very structure and wealth distribution  in this country, in demand for making it’s future sustainable. And they better come swift before all the “competition” ends up way ahead of US. JOB NR 1: GET RID OF TRUMP!!