Friday, October 4, 2019

Trump is winning.

I am sorry to have to say this, but Trump is winning. Winning the war against the dems in the Congress. He’s just sooo much better than them in media “Blitz-Krieg”. The dems fumbled it away again. There’s so many wague witnesses and documents, The Impeachment process is still not fully on. The time is running out in a new round of “jada jada jada”. Everything has to be soo comprehensive, it”s all dying out.
The only way to win the war on impeachment against Trump, is to go straight for the heart. NO comprehensiveness, just straight in to set the dagger in his tax-return and finances. Expose The Donald’s own vast corruption, money-laundering and con-games.
It really baffles me as a foreigner. that the congress is NOT able to do that. The country reveals itself as a free-haven for financial con-arts of all kinds.
Fiddling around with “impeachy” behavior portraying Trump as a badboy is backfiring resolutely. America has long since had a serious crush on badboys. The people love a badboy. That’s part of the charm that got him elected in the first place. They wanted someone that could kick ass.
NO democrats: Do it properly this time. Or shut the f… up! The whole thing is getting really boooring now.