Sunday, September 29, 2019


from office!

As an outsider coming her to seek freedom and justice, its startling and frustrating to see what level of corruption has infiltrated the US society. Exposed here on a daily basis its nothing shy of Burkina Faso or any other banana-republic. And it must feel embarrassing to the citizens getting their beloved country exposed like that.
No doubt Putin, The Saudis and others is playing Trump as an useful idiot, and succeeding very well about it. The president unfortunately all too slow to understand what is really going on. He needs to be impeached as soon as possible before he causes more dangerous havoc.
I personally bet all answers, and even more grave criminal reasons to impeachment would be revealed in The Donald’s tax-return. I feel pretty sure my allegations of extensive money laundering, bribery and flat out corruption will spring to knowledge. Purportradet by Putin, The Saudis and other shady power players. 
The fact that the controlling organs in Washington are not able to get their hands on Trump’s tax-return and finances is almost unfathomable - a serious flaw in the US Constitution. Because up to now The Donald has been allowed to govern and behave like a king. Which as I have come to understand it was the absolute reason to found The US; to get rid of that kind of privileged crap.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The Soup Council

The Soup Council (The Congress) is rejourned after a lengthy summer holiday. But as usual is nothing really happening. And they have already squabbled away the better part of a week. I am sorry to have to bring it to you America: But your Constitution does not work according to intentions. The Congress has become an institution with NO real power. Put up against a maniac in the white house.
Nevertheless the Democrats absolutely silly impeach hearing blabber happening today just made the damage to become more permanent. Causing my sympathies to actually irk and inch away in the wrong direction. And unfortunately: I think many more tends to feel this way with me.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Recession is comming.

Us that have been around a little while, and have lived through all the economic crisis and recessions since WW2, knows that just the hours or just days ahead of when they become stated facts, The Feds and other “economic heavyweights” held mandatory speeches aimed to lull us into the belief that it’s not happening now. I think we just witnessed that session just now taking place in  Zurich.
Cause the numbers tells us loud and clear; that a recession is on its way. The job numbers and the orders for manufactured goods does NOT look good when you breake them down. Absolutely nothing to cheer for.