Monday, April 22, 2019

Impeach the president!

Impeach him!

It is obvious by the way he behave that The Donald have a very immature mind. Mentally he is still that super-spoiled kid in highschool, that wants to play with the cool big guys. And in his mind the cool guys in the World now is Putin, Erdogan, Kim, Ping, the Royal Saudi Arabs and other dictators that do not need to give a shit about the law. Who’s defining Justice out of their own needs. Accordingly he has taken on to behave like them; with a readiness to break the law whenever it suits him. And tragikly he is far on the stretch to getting away with it.
Because The Democrats has developed into becoming a liberal, intellectual debate club - all talk and NO BITE.
In the eyes of the rest of the Free World now in Easter: FOR CHRIST SAKE; IMPEACH HIM!
Everybody else than die-hard The Donald fans do recognize that the other “Big boy” dictators are playing him for a fool, - which he rightfully is. Because on top of his already mentioned mental issue he has an absolute extreme attention complex as well as a rough case of megalomania.
To all the outsiders looking in to The US it is very apparent that in spite of a seemingly economic boom. The country is in reality falling apart.
Again: To Congress and Senate: In the name of keeping at least a shred of of trust and credibility concerning The US Constitution and Democracy in the eyes of the rest of the World and hopefully most americans; it’s now mandatory to IMPEACH.