Tuesday, February 26, 2019

The competition to be the Worlds leading nation.

To maintain its status as the number 1 nation, The US has to come to grips with its health-care problems. In the long run there is absolutely no feasible way around the demand for universal health care.
And as a good number 2; affordable education. So that whoever has the talent may get to study whatever they want. It is definitely not written in stone; that the sharpest minds have to come out of the upper middle class and the wealthy.
Failing to solve and achieve these goals will end up with pushing the nations future greatest talents out of the country. And thereby being lost to the competition.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Despicable landlords in Sanford Maine.

In Sanford Maine we experienced a ruthless rental-market driven by massive greed. Mercyless to its core. The tenants health and conditions are of no concern to the landlords and their agents.
Our first landlord stole our deposit money in collaboration with the agent, and used it all to prep the house for sale-showings and imposed services on our part. Our second landlord lied without even a flinch about the hazard of dangerous lead-exposure in the house. We all got affected by it, my wife really seriously.
On top of that he tried to wriggle his way out of reimbursing us for money we put up for power for a landscaping company he was involved in in the backyard. After we demanded our rightful pay, he retaliated by terminating the lease.
The third landlord kicked us out because of some kids noise. In the dead of mid winther he prepared for an eviction even after being notified about my wifes very serious open surgery and serious health concerns. Just to maintain his own comfort-zone he unscrupulously went about to put a family consisting of a seriously ill mother a disabled father and three minor kids on the street in the bitter winter cold.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Will tell it all as I see it.

I originally planned to stay out of politics and other dreadful everyday subjects and just focus on the positive particularities about New England in this blog. But after having been exposed to the lesser nice aspects of this society, I have changed my mind. So from now on I will tell it all straight out how I experience it good as well as bad. And that goes for, not only the region of New England, but for the whole of the American society.