Saturday, April 8, 2017

Individual freedom

Did you know there is a place in New Hampshire called Freedom? When I heard about it I thought: Could it possibly be anywhere else in the world you could feel more free than in Freedom in the state of New Hampshire that has as its credo: “Live free or die trying.” So I Had to go there, climb up on Maria Mountain, admire the beautiful scenery  and think the concept of individual freedom trough.
As a second year immigrant from Norway Europe its starting to dawn on me the different levels of individual freedom between New England and the state of Norway. On first impression one think that the differences is not that big. But, after a while with everyday life, you start to realise how much of the day to day individual freedom the Norwegian government and authorities actually have taken out of your hand. Where instead of you having the freedom of choice, the authorities makes the choices for you. And it struck me what a subservient crowd the general Norwegians have become. It is acyually quite sad.