Wednesday, October 5, 2016

 Besieged by beauty.

It is starting now. These few weeks of every year when New England, which in my mind is already is one of the more beautiful parts of the world is like lifted up into etheric overwhelming almost heavenly beauty. Shrouded and draped in the most amazing and tantalizing colors you can imagine. Or maybe its just that. You are not able to imagene them without seeing them. Sometimes you have to stop and just gape in awe. This time of year we feel an absolutely privileged to be allowed to live here.
When the air is so crisp and clear but still with a little stubborn summer-warmth in. Its like breathing silk, champagne and liquid gold.

It makes me thirst for dark red wine, and brow liquors like fine brandies and whisky. Celebrating with hearty warming fall dishes like stew and roasts.

If you still have not put coming here to experience the foliage season around here on your bucket-list. You are missing out on something significantly in your soul and mind building.