Friday, March 11, 2016


Then suddenly it became spring in New England. Just like that. In a matter of hours we wnt from dreadfull freezzing winther to warm sunny uplifting spring. From - 10 to
+ 70 degrees within days.


Spring is when mother nature becomes just like a little girl again putting on her lightest prettiest dress to show off a little, a little flirty. To make us fall in love with her all over again.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

The rage against politicians in this 2016 president ellection.

As a Norwegian I understand completely the voters rage against the Establishment, the priveleges, the corruption and the life crunching bureaucracy. So it is kind a refreshing to me to watch candidates that dare to tell it like it is and skip the dobbelt standard political correctness.
In Norway where 60 - 65% of eberything is public and government, expressions like we have heard during the campaign here; would have been impossible.