Wednesday, December 30, 2015


New England weather and clothing:

Then suddenly we were there. After a fabulous Christmas day up close to the 70 and bright sunshine, it plunged down to around 10 with a bitter wind and snow.
No wonder their pharmacies are so big filled up with cold medicine and cures.
For on top of the extremely shifting weather comes the way New Englanders dress up for it. Cause even in the nastiest of weathers you can always bargain on  meeting at least 2 - 3 people in the store dressed in shorts and T-shirt. Or in Wintercoat, shorts and flip flops. And you just got to love that.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

  • <b>christmas</b> wallpapers and <b>christmas</b> decorations, Images, <b>Pictures</b> ...

To all my readers everywhere.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Peanut Butter

One of the many many great delights I find about New England or anywhere in the US, is the easy access to phenomenally yummy peanut butter. And I am sorry I have to say to you; the rest of the world. Your peanut butters is not even in the same league. There are few things in the life that can top a crisp frosty New England morning enjoying a couple of "Elvis light" toasts (without the bacon, we leave that for Christmas). and some freshly brewed steaming hot and full colombian coffee.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

      The deal:

So here is the deal: After tou have stuffed yourself with turky, stuffing, corn-brad, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry jam, sweet potato-dish, green bean casseroll dish, pumpkin pie, peacan pie, blueberry pie with whipped cream and all kinds of Thanksgiving goodies. It is time to take off for 3 days of frantic sales. Chasing Best Deal Offers so vigorously it hopefully will earn you the status as a true Maineiac.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015




New Englanders put their pride into delicious seafood and rightfully so. The abundance and exquisite quality served and sold the entire stretch of coastline all the way from Connecticut to the eastern most tip of Maine is just fantastic.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Black Friday

And then it is Black Friday. The manic sale day that has rooted itself into a tradition almaost as strong as the Thanksgiving itself.

Friday, November 13, 2015



Here in New England is where it all started. Back with The Pilgrims and Native Americans that according to legend held their first Thanksgivings together the late fall of the year 1621.

Thursday, November 5, 2015


One of the absolute best features about New England in my opinion is; the serious emphasis and aproach there is to education and sciense around here.

Thursday, October 15, 2015



Few places on Earth celebrate Halloween more thorrowly on every level than New England. The trick or treating is serious business. And the deep dark fall nights with a little mist or fog in the air creates the perfect enviroment around it. So outside one of those huge desolate victorian mansions there is an aboundancy for around here it is easy to feel the chill creeping down the spine. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

   Pretty refreshing

to be in a Place where you are in total command about the fate of your own head. Where the goverment is not babysitting you through your entire life. Where you are aloud to live a little bit on the edge.

Monday, October 5, 2015

nd             Pumpkintime

The fall season is maybe when New England is at its absolute very best. With its world famous autumn foliage colors in crisp clear fresh  allmost sparkling air.

So then its pumpkin time. And the New Englenders really take the handling of their pumpkins seriously.

Monday, September 28, 2015

     Lunch Money

One very unfamiliar feature for a Norwegian dad, when he sends his kids to school here in New England is the lunch money. Allways remember to equip your kids with an envelope containing payment for the upcomming weeks School meals every moonday.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

One of the greatest pleasures about living in New England is defenitely the unlimited access to the awesome sport of NFL


And the only team to consider taking to heart in this part of the country is the Patriots. Maybe the most sucsessfull team in the entire history of NFL.
The deflategate has been a consern In every New Englanders mind the last 8 months.
Even so conserned hav they been, so that when the New York Judge nullified Brady's suspension there were suggestions that that day should become a regional holliday named "The Brady Day".
And I have to admit it felt really good in my local patriotism core, when the Brady Bunch kind a bulldozered over The Stealers in this sesons kick-off game.

Noe av det beste med å leve i New England, er den grenseløse tilgangen på den etter mitt syn kuuleste sporten i verden - Amerikansk fotball og NFL.

Og det eneste laget en kan reflektere over å ta til hjertet i denne delen av USA er Patriots. Kanskje det mest susessfulle laget igjennomhele NFLs historie.
Deflategate kaoset har plaget sinnet til alle New Englendere de siste 8 månedene.
Faktisk såpass mye har det gnagd i sjela deres, at når en New York dommer nullifiserte hele Bradys suspensasjon, kom det seriøse forslag om å gjøre den dagen til lokal helligdag og kalle den "Brady dagen".
Og jeg kan ikke benekte at det satt skikkelig godt i den nypatriotiske hjerterota da; The Brady Bunch bulldoset over The Steelers i denne sesongens kick-off kamp.